Is It Staying With Us?! Hilarious Images Of Cats And Dogs That Don’t Like Living Together

Is It Staying With Us?! Hilarious Images Of Cats And Dogs That Don’t Like Living Together

There are cat persons and there are dog persons. And then, there are people who want to be both, but their pets wouldn’t have it. It is the case of these unfortunate pet owners that have to witness daily wars between their cats and dogs.

Everybody knows that cats and dogs have an ancient feud going on, which gets from bad to worse every time they have to share a home. These pictures capture the moments when these death-sworn enemies engage in small brawls or when they try to play along for the sake of their owners.

The funniest part about having both cats and dogs living in your home is that there are no rules of engagement. In some pictures we see puppers toying with large, seasoned felines, and also heavy-duty 80-pound dogs being schooled by tiny, fluffy 20-ounce kittens. Check them out!


1. This Cat …

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2. HELP ME !! (The Horror On His Face) 🙂

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3. The Owner Just Wanted To Watch His Favorite TV Show…

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4. Before And After My Dog Realizes I’m In The Room

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5. Look At All The Snow! Look Closer! 🙂

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