It’s Time To Put Your Brain To Work, What DO You Really See In These Photos

Photos are all around us. Nowadays, every single minute more than 200.000 photos get uploaded on Facebook alone. They admitted they get more than 6 billion photos shared on their platform per month. So that’s a lot of photos of a lot of different stuff.

But out of this vast ocean of images, once in a blue moon, someone manages to snap that perfect picture. Maybe unintentionally, maybe not. These are the pictures that make you look twice. The question is – what do YOU really see in these pictures? Check them out:


1. Plan For Many Pleasures Ahead

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Maybe that’s not really a good spot to place the straw, or the best angle for the picture. But hey, the end result is pretty funny.


2. Scooby Doo I See What You Do! 🙂

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Scooby looks pretty laid back in this photo. He seems to be enjoying himself in there. Maybe a little too much? Oh wait… that’s just Piglet’s foot.


3. Gotcha

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Giant Buddha up to his shenanigans again. Here he is, toying with the people in that commercial airliner. But I guess that is what gods do, toy with us 🙂


4. When You Finally Get To A Restroom After A 10-Hour Drive

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This guy must have drunk a lot on this hot summer day! He was so full he can fill a whole swimming pool! Oh wait, I see what you did there! Pretty hilarious.


5. The Spiraling Staircase Of … Wait, What Are Those?!

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Seeing such fine architecture just makes me wonder. First, who came up with this design? Second, who in the world approved this?!


6. Dirty Mind Test

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Upon closer inspection I realized this is just a fire hydrant. My mind was thinking of something else at first. It seems I do have a dirty mind. Do you?

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