Tiny Bread Creatures: This Artist Creates Adorable Felted Bread Sculptures

When it comes to food, we all know that Japanese people are unmatched. With their tiny bite-sized foods, filled with color and a palette of tastes that rivals any other cuisine in the world, whenever you eat Japanese food, you know it’s going to be a treat.

And when it comes to presentation, the Japanese take their food to the level of art, and they never cease to impress. It’s common for food to be arranged in artistic ways on the serving plates.

Just for that reason, artist Atelier Hatena has come up with the idea of hand-making those tiny little bread-shaped creatures out of felt. Placed around the table, they accompany the food and add an undeniable note of cuteness to the servings while looking simply adorable. They also look so realistic and tasty that they actually make you want to take a bite! Check them out below!

More at: twitter, Instagram, Atelier Hatena


1. The Adorable Tiny Bread Creatures:

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8. The Artist Likes To Create Other Tiny Felt Decorations As Well

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10. Here Are Some Other Tiny Felt Creations!

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