Top 25 Most Annoying Things In The World

You might be a reasonable and chill person, but there are those moments in life, when small things happen that will totally annoy even the calmest folks.

Take for instance when you try to pour some liquid from a cup, just to have half of it drip along the cup and end on the table instead. Or when you try to sharpen a pen and end up breaking the tip right at the end. Or trying to make a sandwich just to end up tearing a hole right through the slice of bread when trying to butter it!

It’s those small but annoying things that can end any calm person, which we’ve compiled in this funny collection!


1. When you have an overpriced laptop and you actually need to plug-in stuff!

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2. Dog on a leash going around corners like this

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3. When your mattress cover comes out like this, despite the elastic band

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4. Have fun untangling those

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5. Carefully tearing a piece of paper, when all of a sudden:

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6. The way hoodies do this when you’re sitting

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7. I just wanna dip the cookie in milk !!

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8. Don’t you just love it when books are printed like this?

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9. Trying to pour some milk out of the cup, of course…

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10. Typical adhesive tape

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