This Unique Split-Color Face Cat Has Two Kittens Each Half His Color

Narnia, an adorable French cat with a split face, became a viral sensation on social media a few years ago. At first, people assumed that the cat was a chimera, a feline with cells containing two types of DNA, causing the exotic face marking. However, genetic testing revealed that Narnia only has one type of DNA, making the cause of his unique face a mystery.

Stephanie Jiminez, Narnia’s owner, is a professional cat breeder and she knew that her two-faced cat was one-of-a-kind. She created an Instagram page dedicated to Narnia and was shocked by the amount of attention he received. Despite the lack of understanding about Narnia’s unique face, Stephanie is grateful to share her special kitty with the world. Narnia and Stephanie now reside in Britain.

Narnia, is now three years old and his split face featuring a grey and black side has become more pronounced as he has grown. Recently, Stephanie announced that Narnia had fathered two adorable kittens, Phoenix and Prada. Amazingly, both of Narnia’s offspring have inherited a part of him. Phoenix has grey fur, while Prada has black fur, each of them inheriting half of their father’s split-face colors.

Stephanie also reveals that this is not the first time Narnia has been a dad. He has fathered several litters in the past, and Stephanie plans to breed the unique feline into a long line of exquisite cats. Interestingly, most of Narnia’s offspring so far are fully-colored, except for two multicolored kittens named Phantom and Polaris. However, none of Narnia’s offspring have inherited his split face. They all have inherited Narnia’s striking blue eyes, except for Phoenix and Prada who have brown eyes.

More at: Instagram




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2. Here are his two kittens, Phoenix and Prada!

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3. Their dad is one exquisite feline:

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