Walmart Worker Finds $350 In The Parking Lot And Turns Them In – His Good Deed Ends Up Costing Him His Job

2. The Details

One day, as he was doing his chores around the parking lot he found $350 and went to his manager with the intention of handing in the money someone had lost. The problem arose when, upon his entering the store, a woman was freaking out of her mind about the lost money. She believed she might have dropped them or that someone might have stolen them and she wanted to make a formal complaint.

It was at that moment that Walsh froze, and because he got nervous about this whole situation and afraid of being blamed for possibly stealing, he left since he “didn’t want any trouble”.
He didn’t want to have to confront the angry customer so he decided he would return the money a little later when things would calm down.

So he went on about his tasks until 30 minutes later hen things were cool, and he handed in the money to his manager.

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