The Web Can’t Stop Ridiculing Flat Earthers With These Hilarious Jokes

Some of us have it all figured out. We have answers to everything and we are always right no matter the evidence points contrary to our belief. Some of us have even figured out the secrets of the universe just using our rich imagination (despite what science has already proven as fact). Yes I am referring here to Flat Earthers.

It is to those people that the internet responded in its usual manner. Making fun and comedy of people whose common sense is a bit misplaced. So without further ado, we give you some of the most hilarious satirical responses the web had to offer to the Flat Earth movement.


1. Crazy Indeed 🙂

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2. Have Some Day!

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3. Did You Just Say “AROUND” + “the globe” ?! When The Flat Earth Society Trolls Itself  …

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4.  And That’s How It All Began:

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