The Weirdest People Ever Seen Riding On The Subway

I’ve always had to take the subway to go to work. Been doing it for years. But never in all this time had I witnessed such weirdness on the metro. Sure, I’ve had my share of seeing “interesting” individuals, but the people in these photos leave me silent. I mean, from men dressed in foxes, sharks or Yetis and Darth Vaders, all the way to women with pet chicken on leashes, I’ve finally come to realize the Metro is it’s own world with its own special creatures. So go on ahead and check them out for yourself!


1. This Guy Spent His Ride Playing The Violin To Calm This Random Crying Baby. Not Cringe At All…

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2. This Girl And Her Raven. What Is Going On?!

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3. Now Here’s A Someone With A Sense Of Humor

This was taken in Berlin Metro, and the text on the bag reads “This text has no other purpose than to terrify those who are afraid of the Arabic language” 🙂

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