Woman Follows Her Dream Of Limitless Freedom, Restores This Van And Travels The World

Marina Piro is an Italian girl, living in the UK.  One day she decided that a trip around the world with her best friend Odie (a rescue labradoodle) sounds like the ideal way to live life. So, one day she started restoring this old 5 doors Renault Kangoo, which she casually named Pam.

She ripped out the whole interior and began adding her own touch. Some wooden floors, a kitchenette, a bet, white curtains, and a bed for the both of them were all she ever needed. Some LED lights are turning the van into an absolute dream. After she finished restoring, which she said cost only around 500 pounds, she decided to take Pam and Odie around the world.

The journey doesn’t have yet an expiration date. Marina said that she would like to travel for as much as she can and that Odie absolutely loves being out, enjoying some fresh air. What a great way to enjoy life and follow your dreams!

Via: Designyoutrust, Instagram, Pam The Van


1. Marina Piro is an Italian girl, living in the UK, who decided that a trip around the world with her best friend Odie, a rescue labradoodle, sounds like the ideal way to live life

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://pamthevan.com/”]


2. This is everything that Marina owns and carries in her mobile home

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=”https://pamthevan.com/”]


3. One day she decided to refurbish this old 5 doors Renault Kangoo, which she casually named Pam

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=” https://pamthevan.com/”]


4. She ripped out the whole interior and began adding her own touch

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=” https://pamthevan.com/”]


5. Some wooden floors, a kitchenette, a bet, white curtains, and a bed for the both of them were all she ever needed

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=” https://pamthevan.com/”]


6. She added LED lights to the interior for a nice personal touch and soothing lights in the evenings

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=” https://pamthevan.com/”]


7. This is how the floor started to shape up early on

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=” https://pamthevan.com/”]

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