Woman Follows Her Dream Of Limitless Freedom, Restores This Van And Travels The World

15. They make a perfect team wherever they go 🙂

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16. Her plan was to see as many places as she can, to savor them in their entirety and get to spend as much time as she wants walking the path she chooses

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17. She would spend weeks in the spots she visited, getting to know the area, the people and even enlisting in volunteer work

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18. Her purpose is clear, she wants to travel as long as she can and take in the beauty of the places she sees

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19. She hopes that her lifestyle and choices will motivate other women to be strong and shape their lives whichever way they choose

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20. It does take a bit of courage to simply do what you want in life, but that is also the key to happiness

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21. Happiness comes from small things like simply laying back with a book and taking in the view

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22. There are no excuses to following your dreams and sticking to them with conviction! 🙂

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