You Won’t Believe These Weird Animals Actually Existed

From the Quagga (the half-zebra half-horse) to the Irish-Elk (the biggest species of elkever documented), there used to be some amazing animal species roaming the Earth, some until very recently. Check out these fascinating animals you might have never known existed:


1. The Thylacine (or Tasmanian Tiger)

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Extinct since only 1936, this species resembled a mix between a dog and a tiger. In actuality it was more related to the kangaroo, since it was a marsupial. Originating in Australia and New Guinea, this species was the largest known meat-eating marsupial.


2. The Quagga

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This species went extinct in 1883, and is one of Africa’s subspecies of Zebra. The lack of stripes on their backs make them appear like a hybrid of a zebra and a horse and gave them their unique appearance. They were hunted to extinction in the 19th century. There were efforts to breed them in captivity, but unfortunately they were unsuccessful.

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