When You Break Your Bad Habits And Make A Positive Change In Your Life
Switching from a negative lifestyle to a positive one can turn out to be harder than you thought. But it is not impossible.
Melephants, a 20 years old girl, is the living proof that changing your bad habits can impact your life in a great manner. The young lady, who used to weigh 143lbs, started her journey with small steps. She reconsidered the way she was eating. Instead of indulging in a lot of carbs, she is now focusing on protein and a lot of vegetables. Melephants joined the gym afterward, working out 4 to 5 times a week. Her treadmill days are long gone, as now she incorporates weight lifting and HIIT sessions into her work out routine.
Melephants is a great example of how small changes, such as standing instead of sitting during your commute, throwing away the junk food in the fridge, can impact your physical and mental health. Her journey and transformation were amazing. Check it out, below:
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1. She decided to change her day to day habits and, in time, the results were simply amazing
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2. She made adjustments to a lot of little things in her life and managed to lose more than 30lb. She used to be 143 lbs.
[maxbutton id=”2″ url=” https://imgur.com/gallery/BHvvu#Gf0mq1f “]
3. She would admit that she changed her diet composition, and that now she eats more protein food (like fish or chicken) and vegetables
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4. She gave up a lot of carbs, and now usually only consumes them in the days that she goes to the gym, for the extra needed energy
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5. In the beginning, when she first stepped on the treadmill, she noticed little change during the first month. This was off-putting but she kept at it.
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