Can You See The 16 Circles In The Image Below? Look Closer – They Really Are There, And It’s Quite Awesome

I bet you remember the interesting, yet confusing White vs Blue dress that had the Internet booming with theories, back in 2018, about why and how we can look at the same dress and see different colors. Well, if you are looking for the next mind-blowing optical illusion, search no more. The picture below shows a big square at first sight. But at a more careful glance, some people can actually spot 16 circles. This optical illusion is meant to confuse the brain by using various shapes and colors.

It is known as Confer Illusion, a word which has his roots architecture and has been created by Anthony Norcia, formerly a researcher. And since a user decided to post it on the Internet, it has created a big stir around this topic, as some users cannot spot the circles, regardless of their efforts, while some, can. Can you see the circles?


The Cool Optical Illusion!

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