Talking about T-Shirts, did you know that even though today they are part of regular life and fashion, they actually didn’t even exist in 1920s? The word itself (T Shirt) […]
This random list of pictures has only one purpose. They are hilarious, strange or plain random but they will all have the same effect. They will make you go “No […]
Listen. When it comes to eating we all have our own routines and preferences. But we have to admit that some of us (myself included) have certain weird tastes regarding […]
Vandalism is a terrible thing in general. But there are exceptions to the rule. Especially those times when it’s done in good sense and humour. The pictures you are about […]
Remember James Fridman? We’ve met him before, but he never ceases to amaze us with his awesome works. He is that guy that you should never ask for photoshop help. […]
I found it quite amusing that so many of my favorite cartoon characters have such accurate counterparts in real life. On one hand, some of the photos you’ll see show […]
So I was looking around the net checking out all sorts of funny pictures and I realized some of them actually made me go “why would you do that, though?”. […]
The ones who came up with these designs or decors are either clueless about what their job was, or simply want to see the world burn. One thing is clear, […]
After seeing the pictures below I came to realize that, as a company, you should really make sure that your Ads and Ad placements are 100% on par. Companies should […]