Narnia, The Two-Faced Cat Will Melt Your Heart With Her Rare, Beautiful Looks
Stephanie Jimenez is a cat owner who somewhere along the way wished for two kittens: one with silky grey fur and another one with pitch black hair. To her surprise and everyone else’s her wish came true in one single gift with the birth of a two-toned cat that meets both of her desires.
Meet Narnia – a British Shorthair kitten that has a straight line running across the middle of her face and perfectly separating her grey-furred side from the black one. This unusual and rare trait turns the cat into a “chimera” – beautiful display of impressive genetics that you can barely look away from.
Narnia was recently the subject of a photo shooting session with famous French artist Jean-Michel Labat who shared the resulting images online. Needless to say, the two-faced cat has already won the heart and admiration of internet users everywhere.
1. Here’s Narnia Shortly After Being Born
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5. And Here Are Some Photos Showing How Beautiful She Is All Grown Up
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