When Shorts Ruled the World! Delve into 1970s Men’s Fashion That Made Men Cool
Ah, the 70s – the decade that made roller skating, cassette tape recorders and the shortest shorts in history immensely popular. If you were a young man around 45 years ago, you could not miss having this trio or risk being uncool. You dig?
Fortunately, the tape recorder has been replaced by distinctively better technology. And while guys today still enjoy roller skating, few are courageous enough to go outside in shorts that barely cover their behinds.
It may seem strange today, but back in the day wearing the tightest, shortest pants you could find was highly popular. As the following pictures show it, guys would wear their shorts everywhere they went.
Just look at their smiling pictures and their careless attitudes. Men have not been this confident since they last landed on the moon. If you are looking for a fashion fad to rejuvenate, why not start with the sexy 70’s men shorts?
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