Skilled Artist Gets Flooded With Requests For Freebies, But He Masterfully Trolls Them Away

Skilled Artist Is Flooded With Requests For Freebies, But He Keeps Cool And Trolls Them Away

Getting your portrait masterfully drawn by a skilled artist is an extraordinary experience with a priceless, tangible result. Apparently, not everybody thinks the same, as this talented artist shows the audacious attempts made by people to get a free drawing from him.

Jon Arton is a rising star in the world of art with a remarkable talent for drawing. His Instagram account reveals highly-detailed work and lifelike portraits of easily recognizable celebrities. He has put a tremendous amount of time and work to improve his skill, a trait that some people tend to take it for granted.

Jon has recently posted some of his conversations with people who demanded that he drew their portraits free of charge since it is so easy for him to do it. Instead of screaming about his outrage from the top of his lungs, he decided to troll his wannabe fans and transform their texts into memes. The results show why this artist’s talent comes with a sprinkle of humor and sarcasm, too.

More at: Instagram, Etsy


1. His Art Is Amazing And The Time And Effort He Puts Into His Creations Is Impressive

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2. Thing Is, Not Alll People Understand Or Respect That, And A Few Of Them Even Had The Nerve To Ask Him For Free Drawings… And So…

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3. … And So Let The Trolling Begin! 🙂

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4. Here Is More Cheapness 🙂

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