Times Parents Trolled Their Children with Savage Comebacks on Facebook

There is nothing worse for a teenager than your parents embarrassing you in public, except when they do it on social media.

Nowadays, teens tune in to social networks trying to project a different image of themselves, one that carefully camouflages their real-life personas. Unfortunately, the entire masquerade comes apart when one of their loved ones step into the game.

The following images show parents trolling on their kids’ Facebook personas with hilarious comments and well-intended savagery.

Teenagers trying to pass off as street thugs get a swift reminder from their moms that they still sleep with their teddy bears. Young boys give their two cents about sexual relationships before their parents remind them of their ongoing battle with virginity. Dads replicate their daughters’ insatiable thirst for attention with priceless selfies. All of these legendary burns and many more in the gallery below! Check them out:


1. I really feel like Taylor Swift’s songs are based on my life..

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2. When you are so deep on Facebook, that Mom feels she has to burn you:

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3. The thug life chose her

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4. This dad’s comment wins on every level!

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5. This very-much-public-and-not-so-private message from dad …

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