Times When Teachers Proved They Are Too Cool For School

16. This teacher promised that if the whole class scores an A on the test, he would come to school dressed up as Scooby Doo and he would also bring a bottle of Kid’s champagne to celebrate with everyone. The class did their best, and here’s the result: 🙂

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17. This gay teacher showed up in class like this after one of his students said “I’m glad gays can’t marry here. They scare me, kinda like clowns..”

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18. This physics teacher perfectly illustrated what liquids are:

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19. This Iranian boy has cancer, yet his teacher comes to visit every day at the hospital to fill him in on what he has missed at shcool

[maxbutton id=”2″ url=” https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/5kezzs/this_iranian_boy_has_cancer_yet_his_teacher_comes/”]


20. This teacher changed her hairstyle to support bullied little girl:

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