Woman Finds This Fox Impostor Posing As The Family’s Cat And Sleeping In Its Bed

Foxes are smart animals. They can enter your home, pretend they are part of your family, eat your food and sleep in your bed. Before you know it, they will file for divorce, and then take half of your stuff, including your cat, and move back with their mother.

We don’t know for sure if this was the plan that this fox had in mind when it snuck in the middle of the night into a London home to sleep in George’s bed.

George is a big, orange Garfield-esque cat that loves to go for a walk at 4 am every morning through the open kitchen window. One night, his owner Meloney Blayze went to welcome him back from his nightly stroll only to discover a large brown fox snuggling in the warm cat bed in the kitchen.

As the pictures show, the fox was casually pretending to be a rent-paying member of the household. After a few minutes of pure confusion shared with George and Meloney, the fox patiently left searching for a warmer, more welcoming home to infiltrate.


1. The orange cat, George was surprised to find his comfortable bed occupied by this unlikely and uninvited guest:

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2. The fox had crept his way into the east London house, inspected the premises and decided the best thing to do is to make the cat’s bed his own. Once discovered by the family, he just looked mildly surprised, acting like an established member of the family simply confused by what the fuss was all about!

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3. The cat’s owner, Meloney Blayze recalled that she looked at the fox, and he just stared back, not frightened at all by the situation. I guess in his mind he was in the right! 🙂

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4. George tried hissing to intimidate the imposter, but the fox was not impressed. He just sat there, king of his castle, happy of the new-found comfort of the cat’s bed. He would however later run away, when Meloney decided enough was enough and she shooed the rascal out the house. But honestly… what an unexpected guest!

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