Woman Takes Pie Baking To A Whole New Level With Awesome Intricate Designs

We know you think mom’s pies are the probably the best, and we totally agree with you. But we need to show you someone who made a business out of making artful masterpieces out of her pies.

Her name is Lauren Ko and she’s only been doing this for about a year. But that is misleading because, if you take a look at the pies she’s been baking you’ll be speechless. Her pies are so artistic and intricate, that it sometimes doesn’t feel right to dig in, and eat them. But whenever you do something right, the world will appreciate it, and as a result, she managed to gather a social following of more than 200 thousand followers on Instagram.

Ko said that she usually has “some nebulous idea in my head for design and then just improvise as I go along, depending on how well the dough or fruit cooperates with my vision. My final products are generally happy accidents, which is why I’m especially stunned by the feedback.”

So check out her culinary art below to get inspired or just drool over how appealing her intircate pies are:

More at: Instagram



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